캐나다에서 살면서 자녀들에게 우리것을 가르쳐야겠다는 생각이 많이 든다. 그래서 찾아본 윷놀이 방법 영어 설명.
우리 자녀들을 위한다기 보다, 교회 아이들을 위해 페이스북에 올렸던 글이다.
누가 쓴건지 몰라도 퍼왔으니 쓴분에게 감사의 뜻을 전한다.
더불어 유튜브에 있는 동영상도 링크!
윷놀이 (Youn-Nor-Ri) Board Game
- Board
- 4 Sticks
- Checkers (4 each color)
Object of the Game
- To be the first team to have all 4 checkers to go round the board
How to Play
- Throw the sticks upward (from sitting position) as high as your shoulder,
and let them fall down on the ground
- There are 5 possible results
“Doh” Move one of your checkers forward 1 circle
“Kay” Move one of your checkers forward 2 circles
“Girl” Move one of your checkers forward 3 circles
“Yout” Move one of your checkers forward 4 circles
and play again
“Moh” Move one of your checkers forward 5 circles
and play again
- There are 4 ways to go around the board
- To take shortcuts, your checker must land on one of the big circles.
For example, if your first sticks show “Yout” and you want to take
the shortcut no.1, your next sticks must show “Doh”.
Otherwise, your checkers should continue around the outside perimeter of the board.
- Each throw applies to only one checker, of the player’s choice.
- There is no limit on the number of checkers on the board
- If one of your checkers ends up on a circle which already has one of your checkers, you can stack them together and move them as one
- if one of your checkers ends up on the same circle as another player’s checker, the other player’s checker moves back to the starting circle and you may play again
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